My Mystic Meg prediction For 2024 Interviews

This is a special 3 part email series. If you missed the previous you can catch up by reading part 1 and part 2 here (they’re a 2 minute read).

Yesterday I promised to tell you how to stand out from the pack as an interview candidate in 2023.

Now I’ll be honest.

It’s rather strange writing this because, not that long ago, I was stuck being the interview candidate who never got THAT call.

My years as a trainee were anything but ‘standing out from the pack’.

Every interview I did I seemed to 'just miss out'. Not for want of trying.

I'd practise and practise.

But I simply couldn’t get the jobs I wanted.

I wasn’t standing out from the pack.

I was being trampled by it - and no one seemed to notice.

A few years later and I still wasn't in a training post. The jobs I'd got felt like pity posts.

By the time consultant jobs came round I knew something had to change.

I went on an interview course but it left me cold.

The feedback was ok, but the person running my course day wasn't taking the time to understand where I had been going wrong all these years. He clearly just gave the same spiel every Monday.

Then, I stumbled across the ‘secret’ to performing well at interview.

And I’m grateful I did because it completely adjusted my interview strategy.

Before that moment, I was trying to be someone else.

I didn’t share any of myself.

I most definitely did not share any vulnerability.

I couldn't because I was so pre-occupied with how to answer the questions.

Anyway, I thought nobody cared about who you were. Only that you were a brilliant clinician and would be a massive asset to the team.

But was I wrong Reader.

You see...I developed frameworks, checklists, and structures that I could use to answer any question.

Once I'd done that I was way less nervous.

Finally, I could stop trying to fit the mould and relax to be myself.

And it worked. I could be myself BECAUSE my prep strategy had given me confidence.

My next interview went brilliantly. I had no clue when I left the room, but a few hours the later I got THE call I'd been waiting YEARS to get.

More importantly, I realised the truth:

Without frameworks, structure, and clear strategies... can't be yourself.

Because you're too stressed to do anything other than panic.

Once you can show vulnerability, you're winning.

Authenticity is a matter of connection. People want to work with people. Not some robot-sounding interviewee pumping out the same old garbage as everyone else.

But real humans.

They’re looking for colleagues who they can trust, can learn from, and can support each other.

This means you have to show vulnerability by sharing yourself in a way that impresses the panel. Showing your flaws as strengths, putting yourself forward as the team member we all want to have.

Because trust me Reader.

There’re 1000s of people out there saying the same thing in their interviews.

People two steps behind. Like you.

But to get the job, you need to show you’re someone they want to have on the team.

It’s not about having the most publications, or the most clinical experience. (That was the shortlisting stage).

It’s about answering confidently, using examples, keeping to time, and adding in a sprinkle of vulnerability and authenticity. Make the panel warm to you.

Because once you connect with them, you're in.

That's when you can wow them with you experience, answer structures, frameworks, knowledge, and show off all your prep.

Once you know how to answer the questions confidently, you can be yourself - and that’s where the real fun begins.

So lean into what makes you unique.

Learn to just be you.

And keep putting in the work to practise.

It’s worth it to secure your dream job.


P.S. In 2 weeks I'm reopening the doors to my Ace Your Consultant Interview Academy.

Last time we sold out all the spots in 5 days.

You'll love what's in the course.

I take you through step-by-step how to prep so you go into your interview feeling confident and ready for any question they throw at you, so you can secure your dream job

The previous Academy members LOVED it (you can read their testimonials).

I'd be honoured if you joined this time round.

The waitlist is open if you want to be the first to hear when the doors open:

See you there.


Finchley, London, N3
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